Lamborghini Diablo VT

1/18 by AUTOart (70072)

Lamborghini Diablo VT by AUTOart
June 16, 2011

Listed under Lamborghini Diablo VT | Color : Copper
Section 1/18 | AUTOart | collector | 8427 viewings

I already own the silver metallic version of the AutoArt 1/18 scale model on the by now classic Lamborghini Diablo VT, but I kept an eye out for this red metallic version for years now, but prices only went up, and some of these models have been offered for ... well let's be honest, outrageous prices ... that I wasn't going to pay.

But last week I got a call from a family member, he found one of these rare models for me ... and best of all, I'm getting it for free now ... sometimes life can be cruel, but there are days that put it all back on the right track in one split second.

This specific Diablo is the VT version and it isn't finished in the classic Diablo Rosso shade, this is a red metallic shade, it sometimes looks like Copper depending on the light falling onto it, and to be honest, it is very difficult to photograph correclty, but I gave it a try anyway.

As I expected this AutoArt is just amazing, all the details are there, you can see this model has been aronud for a while, the engine detailing isn't up to specs when you compare it to a recent Gallardo LP560-4 for instance, but still this is one Diablo 1/18 model you shouldn't pass on, it is the best one available.

Later on AutoArt also made the Roadster and the Diablo SV version, and no Lamborghini collection should be without at least one shade of these, and naturally the Diablo VT edition has it's place among them ... I now own both shades made by AutoArt and rumor has it they are thinking about re-producing the earlier Diablo models with improved molds ... but this is an original Nineties model, so it will keep it's value no matter what.

Stunning from every angle, and that tan interior just sweetens the deal even further, just take a look at those beautiful red piping on the seats and central console, it just adds to the overall amazing impression this model will leave on onlookers.


Overall rating 10/10

Original price : € 115

Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT Lamborghini Diablo VT

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