Lamborghini Miura P400SV

1/64 by Tomica

Lamborghini Miura P400SV by Tomica
May 2, 2024

Listed under Lamborghini Miura P400SV | Color : Red
Section 1/64 | Tomica | collector | 405 viewings

My Lamborghini collecting craze started when I saw the Lamborghini Countach in a movie back in the Eighties, remember the black one from the Cannonball Run ... who wouldn't fall in love with it, right?

So I started to get a few models, bought a book or two, and got engulfed in the history of Lamborghini, the life and work of Ferruccio Lamborghini, and I stumbled upon the Lamborghini Miura, the first supercar in the world, and a sensual beauty, especially the later Miura SV, Spinto Veloce, edition, I love that one.

So when I found a 1/64 scale model of this car, in just about the perfect color combination of red on gold wheels and side sills, I just hit the 'buy now' button, and while this is a small-scale model, it is the rather special Tomica Limited Vintage edition, as far as I know, it is only made in low numbers, and it comes with a hefty price tag for such a small model.

But these Tomica Limited Vintage models come inside an amazing box, complete with inlay and exterior rearview mirrors you can fit to the model, and more importantly, both the front and the rear hood can be opened, sadly not the doors on this Miura like we've seen on their Countach model from this series.

Both the front section and the transverse V12 engine behind the cockpit are nicely detailed, Tomica did put a lot of attention to detail in these small models, and that reflects in their price, but still, I love this one, and I couldn't be happier to have it in the collection, next to her Miura S sibling in Oro.

Originally released in March 2024.


Exterior 9/10
Interior 8/10
Engine 8/10
Accuracy 9/10
Overall rating 9/10

Original price on April 29, 2024 : € 54

Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV

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