Lamborghini Miura SVR

1/18 by Kyosho (08311P)

Lamborghini Miura SVR by Kyosho
November 9, 2023

Listed under Lamborghini Miura SVR | Color : Orange
Section 1/18 | Kyosho | collector | 680 viewings

This is the rather rare orange Lamborghini Miura SVR released by Kyosho many years ago, it is the only one they did without the roof wing, probably to mimic the actual car built for Patrick Mimran.

The Lamborghini Miura SVR by Kyosho


Exterior 9/10
Interior 8/10
Engine 8/10
Accuracy 6/10
Overall rating 8/10

Original price : € 280

Lamborghini Miura SVR Lamborghini Miura SVR

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