Lamborghini Urus S

1/18 by MR (LAMBO056A)

Lamborghini Urus S by MR
May 17, 2023

Listed under Lamborghini Urus S | Color : Grey
Section 1/18 | MR | collector | 819 viewings

Lamborghini unveiled the mid-life facelift for their Urus Super SUV, the Urus S, this one from MR on a 1/18 scale is finished in Grigio Telesto.

Lamborghini Urus S by MR

Originally released in May 2023.


Exterior 9/10
Interior 8/10
Engine Not visible
Accuracy 9/10
Overall rating 9/10

Original price : € 380

Lamborghini Urus S Lamborghini Urus S

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