Lamborghini Miura P400SV

1/18 by Kyosho (08317Y)

Lamborghini Miura P400SV by Kyosho
November 28, 2022

Listed under Lamborghini Miura P400SV | Color : Yellow
Section 1/18 | Kyosho | collector | 1093 viewings

Kyosho has been re-releasing older diecast models for a while now, and usually, they are in the same color as a few decades ago, but this yellow Miura SV is a brand new shade, so I just had to add it to the collection.

The Lamborghini Miura SV by Kyosho

Originally released in November 2022.


Exterior 9/10
Interior 9/10
Engine 8/10
Accuracy 9/10
Overall rating 8/10

Original price : € 200

Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV

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