Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV

1/18 by AUTOart (74617)

Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV by AUTOart
November 26, 2011

Listed under Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV | Color : Orange
Section 1/18 | AUTOart | collector | 9387 viewings

Ok, I might be getting a bit crazy here with adding the Murcielago LP670-4 Super Veloce to my collection in 1/18 from AutoArt, but you must admit it is a stunning car in real life, limited to only 350 units and painted in some of the wildest shades available ... and now AutoArt made a 1/18 scale model that is near perfect, so I've been spending way too much money on these, after getting the matte black one, the matte white one I finally received the yellow one I ordered back in March already, and at the same time this amazing orange metallic arrived.

As beautiful and important the yellow shade is for my collection being the original shade used at the Geneva Auto Show in 2009 and in the press pack, I must honestly admit I prefer this orange shade, the shine on this color is so deep, the metallic particles are so nice and everything in matte black has such an intricate contrast with the body you just can't stop looking at it.

The orange version from AutoArt uses the large SV decal on the side again, and colored brake calipers … although these are yellow ? Ok, all other shades also received yellow brake calipers (an option in real life, black being the standard shade), but on the China Edition they did go for the correct orange brake calipers, so why not use this shade on the orange Murcielago too ? I think even the matte black one would look sweet with orange calipers.

If you have red my other reviews on the AutoArt Lamborghini Murcielago SV you know I don't have much to complain about on these, and just like the other shades, this Arancio Atlas has the same issues, the carbon fiber used on the engine cover and rear wing is high gloss, should be satin gloss in fact, also the upper part of the side sills is not finished in matte black on the real car, but color coded with the rest of the bodywork, and when you open the door, the side panel on the dashboard should have some carbon fiber too, the AutoArt version has Alcantara here … now we all know this already, and rumor had it AutoArt would be doing a re-production next year … but I have just heard it isn't sure yet, and if they start building more SV's in the end it could very well be they will offer different shades … talk about a matte purple version has been going round.

A while ago Norev released some competition for the AutoArt SV models … well I can honestly say the Norev is no competition at all for this orange Murcielago LP670-4 Super Veloce from AutoArt. I specifically waited to do a comparison between the two until I received this orange AA model, it is much easier to compare similar shades between makes I think.

thumbnailTake a look at the two models side by side … on this shot you can clearly see the shade on the Norev model is a bit darker. By sheer luck I was able to get original paint samples from Automobili Lamborghini SpA, and Arancio Atlas is one of them … the AutoArt shade nails it hands down, so the Norev is a bit too dark … but if not side by side you wouldn't notice the difference I think, however taking a closer look you will notice the finish is just better on the AutoArt model, so on the paint section me vote goes to AutoArt.

thumbnailHere we take a close look at the front wheel and also notice the difference in the interior. There is no way you cannot like the AutoArt interior better, it features carbon fiber, some amazing looking seats with SV logo on the headrest and really nice seatbelts. Now the Norev isn't too bad on the inside either, but it is not at the same level, not even close, sorry … naturally this also reflects in the market price, the AutoArt is more than twice the price of the Norev model, something to keep in mind comparing them if I'm honest.

In this shot we also notice Norev went for the small SV on the door while AutoArt used the optional, large SV script on the side, also note Norev did go for color coded brake calipers, AutoArt used the yellow shade as on their other shades (apart from the China Edition), which if I'm honest isn't as nice, but look at the detail on the wheels and tires … AutoArt takes the cake here hands down again.

thumbnailFront to front, a great way to compare both models, the stance looks the same, and actually I like the side turn signal on the Norev, sure it has a ‘pin', but altogether it looks like a clear glass and a tiny lamp bubble … perhaps I need glasses, I don't know.

If you look closely at this photo you notice the black on the Norev model is a bit shiny, while the AutoArt is really matte, also the crease in the front bumper is more pronounced on the Norev model. I already mentioned the color of the brake calipers, where Norev takes my choice, but look at the disc brakes themselves … I can't get rid of the feeling those on the Norev are just too small.

The wheels are a tie, the AutoArt ones are bit finer, but that could mean Norev put more paint on them making the rims look thicker, and at the front the tires don't look too bad on the Norev either, I prefer those on the AutoArt however, but take a look at the rear tires … Norev got it wrong completely here while AutoArt takes the lead once again.

thumbnailFrom this angle the Norev unfortunately shows it's biggest flaw … the lack of any kind of carbon fiber look on the rear section and large wing, but also the fact the air outlets are completely closed is a bit of a let down on the Norev. The AutoArt model has some amazing looking open grilles and even show the fans on the rear mounted radiators here, the carbon fiber is glossy on the AutoArt model, which isn't correct, but still I prefer it to the plain flat black Norev went for.

The taillights are a tie in my opinion, the Norev ones are a big step ahead from their LP640 model and really look very nice, so do the lights on the AutoArt, so I don't have a favorite in this case, the exhaust on the other hand is a different matter, you might not like the bluish steel shade on the AutoArt model, but it is correct with the 1:1 model, also the two small round tubes inside are found on the actual car, so AutoArt takes the win here.

thumbnailLook at the doors in this shot … the inside door panel is clearly better finished on the AutoArt model, I just love the carbon fiber finish, SV script on the padding and the ring for the speaker in the door, awesome attention to detail … however the door mechanism look much closer to the real deal on the Norev car … so again both models have their ups and downs.

For me personally the large SV script on the side looks better on this shade, the orange already screams for attention anyway, so why not emphasize this even further with the massive SV on the side, but that's a totally subjective opinion on my part, so this shouldn't be a deal breaker on determining which model to get.

thumbnailOpen the engine cover and there is some difference here too, and as a matter of fact the Norev doesn't disappoint here, the V12 looks very nice on this model, I for one really like those gold paint exhaust manifolds, on the other hand the mesh on the AutoArt model is so delicate it makes this engine look amazing too, so here we have a tie on our hands I think.

However AutoArt uses some very nice looking struts to keep the engine cover open, and it stays open too, things were different in the past with AutoArt covers, while Norev still has some small doglegs on their engine cover, although these aren't too big, so no need to wonder about them.

thumbnailOne thing that really makes the Norev score additional points is the fact the shoulder mounted air intakes actually stay open … I now have a total of five shades on the AutoArt Murcielago Super Veloce, and on none of these the air intakes stay open, which is a pity and makes the AutoArt loose some points overall.

When putting both models side by side like this they do come close, sure the AutoArt is much more detailed, and the details are finer, but for a ‘budget' model the Norev will surely do nicely, in my opinion neither car is competition for each other, the Norev is a stunning looking high end toy diecast model, while the AutoArt is more a collector's item diecast model, with a higher price tag.

Bottom line : which one should you get ? There is only one right answer here, get both. I know, this isn't always possible, but the problem is that Norev made a very nice model of the Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 Super Veloce, however the AutoArt model is so magnificent you just should get at least one shade in your collection of it … so you end up with both, like I did, and I don't regret it for a second.

AutoArt clearly put a 1/18 scale model on the market that will be a reference for all other scale car builders out there, reaching the level of detail found on this Murcielago SV at the price it is available will be hard to beat, at this moment I would even advice getting an AutoArt SV instead of the MR version, the latter being at least three times as expensive and only marginally better in the end … with the downside an MR model is totally sealed, but the MR is a limited edition, with a numbered certificate, that would be my only reason to get an MR Murcielago SV at this stage.


Overall rating 10/10

Original price : € 95

Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV

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