Lamborghini Miura P400SV

1/18 by AUTOart (74544)

Lamborghini Miura P400SV by AUTOart
June 27, 2009

Listed under Lamborghini Miura P400SV | Color : White
Section 1/18 | AUTOart | collector | 9003 viewings

When I started collecting Lamborghinis naturally the Miura became a highly sought after model, even more so for the rare AutoArt models, they don't make too many of them in a batch and once they sell out they can become very hard to find, and start to demand ridiculous prices.

Because of this my main collection of 1/18 Miura models consists of Kyosho built units, and they are very nicely finished, but when I started to change the layout of my showcases I came to the conclusion that I needed a white Miura to complete a line up from Countach over Diablo to Murciélago in this bright shade, so my search for an AutoArt Miura SV in white began.

This might not be a major issue for most, you tend to encounter them on eBay from time to time, but the prices are stupendous ... so I continued my search until I found one in the Netherlands at a reasonable price of 40 Euros. Safe to say I didn't hesitate a moment and bought it on the spot.

The box was still in mint condition and the car had been on display behind glass, so no worries there, when I came home I placed it in my collection next to a silver metallic Miura SV from Kyosho ... and was somewhat disappointed to be honest.

Sure this AutoArt model looks good on it's own, but don't put it next to a Kyosho model, it will look a lot less detailed unfortunately.

It is obvious this Miura SV model was built in the early days of AutoArt, and it shows in the small details, nonetheless I was still happy with the model as I served it's purpose perfectly : being shown next to a white Countach, a custom built white Diablo and the Balloon White Murciélago (all from AutoArt) ... a really nice row of white cars, which is why I wanted to buy this specific model anyway.


Overall rating 6/10

Original price : € 70

Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV Lamborghini Miura P400SV

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